12th January 2025: Call to repentance

Though a lifestyle of repentance sounds like drudgery and discouragement when exercised correctly it can bring life, vitality and a joyful walk with Jesus

5th January 2025: My Father’s House

After three days missing a young Jesus is finally found by Mary and Joseph. In today’s message Douglas explains how Jesus’ explanation has profound  implications for us, even today.

29th December 2024: In the Temple

In this sermon Douglas tracks a significant change in Luke’s Gospel. For instead of angels Simeon and Anna declare Jesus to be  God’s salvation.

Christmas Day 2025: A Very Special Christmas

In this Christmas Day service children help us understand why the first Christmas was a very special Christmas

Christmas Eve 2024: Four Helps For Christmas

In this Christmas Eve service children help Douglas to explain the meaning of Christmas.

22nd December 2024: Out in the Fields

The first Christmas was all about “Glad tidings of Good News” and is just as true for Christmas 2024. In this message Douglas explores how shepherds were visited by a host of angels and celebrated the coming of Christ our Saviour

15th December 2024: The Angel Came

Who was this Mary that Gabriel announced that her future son would be great and rule over  God’s people? In this sermon Douglas explores who Mary is and the implications of the great Good News she received.

8th December 2024: Waiting

After waiting and waiting a barren couple hear news that they’ll be expecting. However, this is not from a doctor but by an angel who brings good news that still has deep significance for us today.

1st December 2024: Confidence in Christ

In his introduction Luke explains why we can stake our eternal lives in the Jesus we meet in his Gospel. Join us as Douglas starts a new preaching series through the Gospel of Luke.

24th November 2024: The Land in Between

Sometimes we feel stuck. We can’t go back but we can’t see the way forward. In this message Jenny Doyle helps us understand that God can use these in between places for his glory and our betterment.

17th November 2024: Hope in the Darkness

What is the Biblical view of suicide? In this message Douglas explores what the Bible says about taking one’s life in response to questions raised at a youth group “Ask the Minister” evening.

10th November 2024: Jesus and the Son of Man

The Book of Daniel impacted Jesus and his ministry in a number of ways. This is especially clear when it comes to the title “The Son of Man”. In this message Douglas explore Jesus use of this title and how it impacts us today.

3rd November 2024: Jesus and the Resurrection

In this message Douglas explores how Daniel’s bold statement on the resurrection impacted Jesus – a statement that still has significant implications for us today.

27th October 2024: Jesus and the Kingdom

How did Jesus see the  book of Daniel with the drama of the kingdom of God forcefully replacing the kingdoms of men?  In this message Douglas explores just this – Jesus, Daniel and the kingdom of God.  (Note: the sound quality is average for the first 2.5 minutes before improving)

20th October 2024: One With God

In this message Ray Coster uses the parable of the Prodigal Son to explore God’s great love for us and how he makes us one.

15th October 2024: Our Refuge and Our Strength

In this funeral service message Douglas shares how Psalm 46 can be a comfort and source of strength as we grieve

13th October 2024: Revitalisation

In this message Douglas explores the Biblical basis for the revitalisation process St Andrews is working through and the outcomes of our recent ReVision weekend.

6th October 2024: A Safe Haven

In this message Iain Dickson shares how the work of the United Seafarers Mission shares the Gospel and changes lives

29th September 2024: In His Hands

Fulfilled prophecy is compelling evidence that God exists and has history in the palm of his hand. In this message Douglas opens up Daniel 8 to show exactly this as well as to explore implications for us at a personal level.

22nd September 2024: Through the Generations

Prayer makes a difference! In this message we will see how  Daniel’s example can help us grow in prayer as we face the biggest challenge to our church.

15th September 2024: The Kingdom and the Beast

In his vision Daniel is disturbed by the rampaging fourth beast. In this message Douglas draws from Revelation to help us understand what will happen in the last days.

8th September 2024; Faith, Faith and Faith

In this message Jenny Doyle brings us encouragement  from Hebrews 11 and the famous list of heroes of our faith.

1st September 2024: Coming With The Clouds

At Jesus’ trial a verse from Daniel was the tipping point that led to conviction and crucifixion. As we explore how this happened we will discover how this practically impacts our lives. 

25th August 2024: Kingdoms in Conflict

In this message Douglas unpacks who the four beasts of Daniel 7 represent and the implications for us today.

18th August 2024 The Lions Den

Many assume they know the story of Daniel in the lions den but in this message Douglas opens up the Bible story to reveal the surprising and unexpected.

11th August 2011: Asian Outreach

Glenn Carter gives a fascinating update on the work of Asian Outreach in Cambodia and Mongolia.

4th August 2024; Writing on the Wall

Many people use the expression, “They saw the writing on the wall” but few know of its origin. In this sermon we’ll see how the original use of the phrase still has implications for us today and how it points to some very good news.

28th July 2024: Why Should We Pray

In this sermon Keith Hooker encourages us to pray in a way that pleases God and is sustainable over the long haul.

21st July 2024: Set Free From Pride

We are quick to recognise pride in others but what about closer to home? In this sermon from Daniel Douglas explores what pride is, how it affects us and how to be free.

14th July 2024: Faith in the Furnace

Three friends refuse to compromise and are thrown into the flames, yet God works a miracle. In this message Douglas explains how God is also with us, even in our darkest days.

7th July 2024: Heart of Stone, Feet of Clay

In today’s message we see Daniel interpreting a dream that impacted not only for the king but can impact us as. Listen as Douglas unpacks Daniel 2 God’s Word for busy lives today.

30th June 2024: Pray For the City

How can we stop from being squeezed into the shape of our God dishonouring world? In this sermon Douglas shows how Jeremiah 29 helped and Daniel and his three friends and how this same passage can help us.

23rd June 2024: Honouring God

In this sermon Douglas opens up the book of Daniel to show how we can honour God in a God-dishonouring world.

16th June: Overcoming Tough Times

How can we be assured that God’s control when our world is falling apart? This exactly what the book of Daniel focus’ on. In this first message from Daniel Douglas explains why this book is so important for us.

9th June 2024: Don’t Be Conformed

With claims and counterclaims many ideas and movements vie for our allegiance. In today’s message Howard Cross shares from God’s Word truths that will see us centered on the one thing that deserves our “everything and our all”.

2nd June 2024: Drifting Away

Complacency is the biggest threat to faith. In this message Jenny Doyle highlights the danger of drifting and how we can shore up our walk with God by fixing our eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

26th May: Pleasing God in Prayer

If God is God how can our prayers make a difference. In this message Gayel explores how as children of God we can make a difference in prayer.

12th May 2024: Humble Service

Every healthy church has at its core a culture of humble service. In this message Kevin Finlay encourages us to lean into our gifts to help build up the body of Christ.

5th May 2024: The Parable of Generosity

In this message Ray Coster opens up a story told by Jesus that many find irritating but has an amazing example of God’s favour to those who least deserve it.

28th April 2024: Obey

In this message Iain Dickson shares how obedience is key to walking in God’s many blessings. and being victorious in Spiritual warfare. (note: the video kicks-in 20s into this message)

14th April 2024: Pathways in Prayer

When it comes to prayer God has wired us differently. In this message Douglas will help identify which of seven pathways best fits you and how leaning into this can transform your prayer life for the better.

7th April 2024: Easter: What’s It All About

Though New Zealanders appreciate the holiday weekend many are confused about what Easter’s all about. In this message Douglas explores this confusion before using Jesus’ words to explain why we celebrate Easter.

31st March 2024: Behold I Make All Things New (Easter Sunday)

In this Resurrection Sunday message Jenny Doyle explores the core meaning of Easter.

29th March 2024: To Him Be the Glory (Good Friday)

Two plots to kill Jesus: one was foiled, the other succeeded. Yet this was God’s plan to bring blessing upon blessing into our lives.

24th March 2024: Hail to the King

As Jesus enters Jerusalem before a cheering crowd he walks into controversy and stirs up the opposition.

Identity : 25th June 2023

How do young people establish their identity in a social media world? In today’s message Douglas looks at how we can develop a healthy, robust and authentic identity that honours God while being true to ourselves. 

Archived messages can be watched on YouTube or listened to
from our Podcast.